(fällt aus!) Andreas Wagner: Identifying narrative contexts of the term “water” in local guided expert interviews on climate change

Datum: 12. November 2024Zeit: 18:15 – 19:45Ort: Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 61 (Raum 3.17), 91052 Erlangen

edit: Unfortunately todays talk has to be cancelled. (Update vom 12.11.2024, 9:45 Uhr)


The Department of Digital Humanities and Social Studies would like to invite you to the following talk in our DH Colloquium:

Andreas Wagner: »Identifying narrative contexts of the term “water” in local guided expert interviews on climate change«


In this colloquium, we’ll share initial findings from an analysis of expert interviews on the intersection of climate change and mental health. The goal was to explore how experts view water-related issues as a significant challenge within the broader context of climate change. Beyond being a challenge in climate change, blue-spaces also have the potential to enhance mental resilience. By analysing 22 expert interviews conducted by the department of geography at FAU, we examine through a combination of fundamental NLP-methods and concordance analysis how the experts take agency for water related topics.

The analysis tracks what aspects of water interviewees discuss across various discourse units of the interviews. The results point to nine distinct topics raised in relation to water, which suggests a broad awareness of water related challenges across different contexts.

Further information and other upcoming talks in the Colloquium can be found here.

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12. November 2024
18:15 – 19:45

Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 61 (Raum 3.17), 91052 Erlangen

DH Kolloquium